After months of testing, production issues and debugging we are happy to proudly launch AniGen AI! AniGen AI's goal is to let you create quality and anime accurate artwork in less time, and we are proud to do that. With the new site we have also introduced a few features that will make your experience a lot better!

Art Showcase

AniGen AI art showcase

One of the most common questions we get is: "How do I prompt AI artwork?" We specifically created the art showcase section for that reason! Click on an artwork you like to see all the details about that artwork so you can get inspired or use that same prompt.

Users can also share their artwork directly to the feed. We will be reviewing each artwork to make sure it's user friendly for everyone, and then approving the artwork.

Future updates for this feature include likes and shares! The more likes you get, the more free credits you'll get for generations. Don't worry, that feature is on the way! 

No Wait Times

Tired of this warning? Don't worry it won't appear ever again! We have managed to fully host our model online with 99% uptime. Users will now have no wait time. But that's not where the good news end!

Quicker Generations

Due to some technical magic from our backend now the generation times will be cut in half. You can expect a regular portrait image to be generated in less than 10 seconds during lower peak time and between 10-15 seconds during higher peak times when site users are more active!

Backend Updates

We made the model more refined, and made the interface a little more cooler. And, we plan to introduce more models in the future so there is a section for that too!